A Sight Like No Other: Golden Sunrise at Sikunir Hill

JAKARTA : The Sikunir Hill is now welcoming back tourists in search of the picturesque golden sunrise.

Located at Central Java’s Dieng Plateau, Sikunir Hill first reopened last month. 

On October 2, a number of tourists gathered at the starting point at Java’s highest village, the Sembungan Village. Some even set up tents by Cebong Lake to enjoy the morning sunrise. A tour guide predicted that the sun would rise at 5.23 a.m. that day.

Sikunir Hill sits at an altitude of 2,306 meters above the sea level. 

Climbers must obey the Covid-19 safety protocols during their venture. They must also wear thick jackets, gloves, headgears, and all other equipment needed to ward off the cold weather and the lack of oxygen.

Tourists are advised to fill their stomach before climbing to keep their bodies fit. Their “culinary adventure” will also help the economy of the traders selling warm Dieng food along the hiking trails.

Beginner climbers usually train at Sikunir Hill, as it is not too high. Local residents have also built wooden steps for the elderly tourists.

A golden sunrise is seen at the peak of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Tourists take a rest at the peak of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Tourists take a rest at the peak of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)

The peak offers an unforgettable sight of the beautiful golden sunrise with a backdrop of Mount Sindoro, Sumbing, Merapi, and Merbabu.

After enjoying the scenery from the top of the hill, tourists will go back down to the hillside. There, the Angklung Sikunir Orchestra will greet them with popular songs sung so sweetly.

A crescent is seen at Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
A crescent moon is seen at Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Tourists enjoying scenery at the peak of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Tourists enjoying the scenery at the peak of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Mount Prau is seen from the peak of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Mount Prau is seen from the peak of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
A man takes a photo during the golden sunrise at Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Cebong Lake is seen from the peak of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Cebong Lake is seen from the peak of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Sikunir Angklung Orchestra show some popular Indonesian song at the hillside of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Sikunir Angklung Orchestra perform several popular Indonesian song at the hillside of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
A board full of visitor mark and stickers is seen at Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
A board full of visitor mark and stickers is seen at Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Tourists walk down hill from the peak of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)
Tourists walk down hill from the peak of Sikunir Hill at Dieng Plateu in Central Java on October 2, 2021. (JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro)


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